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Helping people with diabetes avoid hypoglycaemia

Posted: - 20th November 2019

The project aims to support GP Practices and community pharmacies help patients understand and manage their diabetes.

Hypoglycaemia is a preventable condition that offers significant patient benefits in terms of avoiding harm, enabling improved outcomes, increasing a patient’s confidence to self-manage their condition and enhancing the overall quality of life.

By improving the ability of patients to self-manage their condition and improve glycaemic control and awareness of hypoglycaemia, the project will support reduced demand on urgent care and hospital diabetes services, shifting capacity to planned care and primary care.

The Project aims to:

  • Increase patient awareness of hypoglycaemia signs and symptoms
  • Improve education on hypoglycaemia for clinicians and their patients
  • Provide patients with better skills to manage their own health and care
  • Improve glycaemic control
  • Increase engagement and more frequent discussions with clinicians for those patients with diabetes

The aims of the project are in line with the NHS Long Term Plan aspirations to:

  • Relieve pressure on A&E departments
  • Drive down variation between CCGs and practices in their treatment of Diabetes patients to minimise their risk of future complications
  • Support people who are newly diagnosed to manage their own health by further expanding the provision of structured education and digital self-management support tools