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Preventing life-changing strokes with our Atrial Fibrillation programme

Posted: - 6th November 2019

Atrial Fibrillation (AF) causes devastating strokes every year with one in every 25 sufferers left with a life-changing disability.

Between April 2018 and March 2019, in the Yorkshire and Humber  through our Atrial Fibrillation programme, we have identified over 8,000 patients with AF and protected approximately 6,664 patients with anticoagulation drugs.

As a result of this increased anticoagulation it is estimated that 267 people with AF potentially did not have a life- changing stroke because they received protective medicines.

We provide hands-on support to 260 GP practices across Yorkshire and the Humber to improve their ability to detect people who have AF and protect them through anticoagulation drugs.

We have issued over 600 mobile electrocardiogram (ECG) devices to facilitate testing across the region and are working with 20 Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). We will continue to explore ways in which we can work with them to deliver the programme on an even greater scale during the coming year.

For more information please contact us