Industry Innovators

If you are a company or innovator we can help signpost routes to registering your solution in response to COVID-19. We can also provide general advice and support across the pathway of innovation.

The government has provided national guidance on where to register particular types of products to support the COVID-19 response, including ventilators, vaccines and personal protection equipment (PPE). The links below offer the quickest way to flag your innovation.

If your innovation is not covered by these areas, or you would like further advice you can get in touch with us at

If you would like to contact the commercial teams at other health innovation networks register online. You can also use the postcode checker to help you find your local health innovation network.

  • Vaccines
    Contact Public Health England:
  • Ventilators
    Contact the Government’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS): or call 0300 456 3565
  • Innovation and Tech
    Contact NHSX:
  • Diagnostics
    Contact Public Health England:
  • Exemptions from devices regulations including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    The current guidance on the exceptions of fast tracking approvals of medical device. See the guidance the website here.
  • Testing Methods
    Go to the Testing Methods 2020 web platform for more information
  • NHS Supply Chain
    NHS Supply Chain are calling for innovators/companies who can provide essential items such as eye protection, COVID-19 testing kits, gowns and logistic service support. Visit the NHS Supply Chain site here.
  • NIHR Surgical MedTech Co-operative – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE Challenge)
    Surgical MedTech Co-operative PPE Challenge is wanting to understand the real day-to-day challenges for front line healthcare workers in maintaining PPE, or simple, effective solutions that might be rapidly scaled up. If you are a company and you have technology that could be adapted quickly for the healthcare setting, submit your interest here.
  • Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other Consumables
    Whether you are a healthcare organisation which is struggling to source PPE or an industry supplier which requires help in navigating supply to the region, please get in touch with us to find out how we can support you by emailing us at

If you have any other solutions (not specifically COVID-19 related) that could be useful to the health and care system during this unprecedented time, you can access AHSN advice and support by visiting the Innovation Exchange website.