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Remote Monitoring and Virtual Wards Resource Series Stage 2: Engage

Written by: Nicola Chicken - 31st October 2022

So far in our series of resources to support our Integrated Care Board colleagues with their virtual wards and remote monitoring ambitions, we have published our resources covering the Start stage.

Our series of resources are built around a phased approach to best cover the main stages of implementing remote monitoring and virtual wards: Start, Engage, Deliver, Embed, Sustain.

For the second in the series, ‘Engage’, we have created a succinct two-page guide on setting up your evaluation and a short video on setting up for success regarding benefits realisation.

The guide to setting up your evaluation provides key lessons we learnt while implementing remote monitoring and virtual ward technology over the last two years, covering topics such as setting aims and objectives, evaluation themes, stakeholder engagement, feedback and data collection, timescales and report format.


Our video on planning benefits realisation provides our key lessons learnt and recommendations for things to consider towards the beginning of your programme, to ensure you are regularly capturing and reviewing the benefits provided by your programme. This covers an overview of what benefits are, why they are important, the journey we undertook on our programme, things to consider and useful sources for further guidance.

We hope that you find these resources useful, but we are also keen to hear any feedback or queries you may have.

Please feel free to contact Nicola Chicken at

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Setting up your evaluation

A two-page guide

Download your guide here